Lucan Lions Club Awards Night 2024

Lucan Lions Club raise funds for local charities and other worthy causes during the year, the proceeds of which were distributed at our 2024 Awards Night in The Lucan Spa Hotel on Thursday May 23rd. Representatives of the various charities and groups were present to accept cheques on behalf of their organisation

Also in attendance was James O’Loughlin , District Governor Lions Ireland and many elected representatives including Emer Higgins T.D. Minister of State at the Department of Enterprise Trade and Employment, Cllr Vicky Casserly; Deputising for the Mayor SDCC – Chair of the Lucan/Clondalkin Area Committee, Councillors, Paul Gogarty, Liona O’Toole, Joanna Tuffy, Shane Moynihan.
Lions Recycle for Sight

Build For The Boys
This is a local Charity set up by the parents, friends and relations of 2 boys Conor and Dean who are living with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. This is a rare, progressive and fatal muscle-wasting condition that almost exclusively affects boys. There is currently no known cure.

The objective of the Build For The Boys Charity is to help to build a future for them in which this life-limiting condition does not limit their dignity and their joy for living.

Their parents Karen and Jamie have set out their vision and plans for the boys. In summary, as parents they want them to know that they can do whatever it is they want to do in the future, college, travel or whatever it may be.
Karen and Jamie want them to know and to understand, that Duchenne is just a part of who they are and not what should define them. It is not about what they can’t do; it is all about finding a way to overcome any barriers that they may face. Conor and Dean are bright, caring, joyful young boys who already amaze everybody everyday

In consultation with The Build For The Boys Charity, Lucan Lions Club held a cycle Spinathon in SuperValu Lucan on May 10th&11th. We received fantastic support and over the 2 days raised €3500.
Koins For Kids
This is a fully voluntary charity, initially established by Liam Duggan who was subsequently joined by our own Damien Douglas from Lucan. This charity is putting all its efforts into fundraising for the provision of a Paediatric MRI Scanner in the New Childrens Hospital – when the building is complete.

How do they fund-raise?
Koins for Kids repatriates non-Euro coin, collects out of date and damaged currency.
They have a process through the Central Bank and others to convert all this to Euros. They are open to all donations big and small.
To date they have raised in excess of €500k for the MRI which is likely to cost €1m . This will make a big impact on the lives of these children who sadly suffer from an assortment of conditions for reasons beyond their control.

So if you are decluttering, check your jars and presses for foreign currency and donate it to Koins for Kids or drop the Koins into our Luke The Lion in SuperValu Lucan.
Team Elizabeth
The Team Elizabeth Trust is a registered trust that was established in 2016, with Elizabeth Mc Nicholas as the beneficiary. Elizabeth is a young Lucan woman who is living with severe brain and spinal injuries and, as a result, is a full-time wheelchair user, with complex medical needs and severe neuropathic pain.

In 2018, Elizabeth spent three months in a hospital in Istanbul, to undergo a series of major life-saving and life-changing surgeries, which provided some hope to get her life back to normal.
Due to the complex nature of Elizabeth’s condition, she requires ongoing specialist neurorehabilitation which is not available to her in Ireland. During the past two summers, Elizabeth has undergone neurorehabilitation at Neurokinex Gatwick in the UK, making significant strides in her recovery, such as learning to sit upright unaided and regaining better function in her right arm.
Elizabeth hopes to return to Neurokinex Gatwick for further intensive neurorehabilitation over the coming months. This does not come cheap and any funds raised through the Team Elizabeth Trust are used to enable Elizabeth to access vital medical care and rehabilitation, both at home, where this cannot be provided through the public health system, and abroad, as well as to help with other medical expenses, such as the purchase of necessary specialised medical equipment.
Lucan Homeless Donations
It is a sign of the times we live in that again we are presenting a cheque to a Homeless Charity. Here in Lucan Bernadette Fagan has shown tremendous leadership in assisting the homeless in the Lucan area and its environs. She also helps out with two soup runs per week in Dublin City. This small organisation, based in Arthur Griffith Park, also helps out the people currently accommodated in hotels in the local area. A look at their Facebook page demonstrates the range of services they provide including food distribution, clothing, mattresses and they also source items for those being rehoused.

Nagarhope was set up by Lucan man Doc Clandillon in 2005 and has carried out substantial projects since then and in particular since the earthquake in 2015. The main aim since the inception of Nagerhope was to construct and operate a childrens home in Nagarkot, The overall mission has evolved as the organisation has grown over the years and the focus now is on providing education for children in deprived communities in Nepal. This is delivered through Nagarhope Basic School and through education and health support programmes in other schools and in the community.

Nagarhope’s main focus over the years has been education and with the establishment of our own pre-school in 2014, with work concentrated more so on improving the facilities, surroundings, education methods and attitude towards running a school. A big part of improving is actually ‘providing’ in the first place, providing quality education, be it theoretical, physical, sensorial or whatever methods.
Ukraine Families -Lucan
Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine, just over 2 years ago, Lucan Lions Club has had a close association, including through the local Community Gardai, with Ukraine families accommodated in the area. Lucan Lions Club member Marion O Shea has been our close liaison with the families.

The overall settling in and integration process was difficult, and our Ukraine arrivals acknowledge that it was made easier by the warmth of the welcome and the understanding by the Irish people for their plight and predicament.
The Club raised funding through Luke the Lion in SuperValu Lucan to distribute help and assistance at Christmas, We have assisted these families since their arrival and Lucan Lions Club remains committed to assisting these families and are delighted to help them out again.

Lucan Food Bank – Balgaddy
Again, this is a sign of the times we live in where our next recipient is the Food Bank which is based in Balgaddy. This well established Food Bank distributes food to the less well off in that Community. It was started by a local priest who observed some children going to school hungry. Food is distributed every Monday morning and is donated by parishioners. Lucan Lions Club is a regular contributor to the Food Bank particularly at Christmas through our Annual food appeal.

Finding Charlies Voice
Finding Charlie’s Voice is an Irish Registered Charity that supports children and young adults with speech and language communication needs in Ireland.
It was set up by Lucan parents Evelyn and Will Byrne and was inspired by their son Charlie, now 9, who was born with Verbal Dyspraxia – a rare neurological speech sound disorder, impacting about 1:1000 children worldwide.
Those with verbal dyspraxia need to be taught the precise motor movements necessary to form sounds and words.
Their speech cannot be corrected without intensive, early and frequent intervention from a qualified Speech and Language Therapist.

We believe that children should be seen AND heard. Communication is a basic human right, but it is also a privilege. Their objective is to ensure that no child is left behind because they cannot speak and/or understand.
The charity makes communication boards for children with speech difficulties and their use helps the wider school community become more inclusive. The group created these boards that allow children who have difficulty communicating verbally to express themselves in a variety of settings.

Ataxia Foundation Ireland
AFI is the National Support Group for people affected by all types of Ataxia including Friedreich’s Ataxia (the most common Genetic Ataxia) and up to 200 other types of Ataxias.
It is a Charity Organisation which provides support to people with Ataxia and their families, siblings and friends. AFI has established this organisation which is run and managed by people with this condition. The Chairperson and the majority of the Board have an Ataxia.
Ataxia Foundation Ireland focuses on the social and emotional dimensions, and aims to prevent isolation and foster a sense of community among those impacted by ataxia. They have recently purchased a specialised bus to transport people who suffer with Ataxia and have had it specially adapted. The Lucan Lions Club contribution will go towards the cost of the bus.

John McDonald Bursary – Local Hardship Case
This bursary has been established by Lucan Lions Club to commemorate the voluntary charitable work carried out by the late John McDonald who was a founding (Charter) member of Lucan Lions Club in 1988.

2024 Presidents Award
Paddys Barbers Lucan

Congratulations Alan, David and Philip, a fabulous achievement and well-deserved award in recognition of the outstanding service to the Lucan Community for 60 years since it was set up by Paddy Monaghan R.I.P.