Lucan Lions Awards Night 2023
Lucan Lions Club raise funds for local charities during the year, the proceeds are the result of various events. Our annual awards night returned on May 11th in The Lucan Spa Hotel with much anticipation with our last awards night having taking place in 2019.

Distributed on the night were the funds from our fundraising endeavours and in summary, we returned to Community organisations the funding raised in the Community.
Present were representatives of the various charities and groups to accept cheques on behalf of their organisation with many local elected representative also in attendance including Emer Higgins T.D and South Dublin Councillors, Vicki Casserley, Paul Gogarty, Shane Moynihan, Derren Ó’Brádaigh, Liona O’Toole, Joanna Tuffy; Deputy Mayor SDCC
With a special mention for Derek Keating, our dear friend and supporter of Lucan Lions Club who recenly passed away, may he rest in peace.
Lucan Homeless

It is a sign of the times we live in that the first recipient of a cheque for €1000 was a Homeless Charity. Here in Lucan, Bernadette Fagan has shown tremendous leadership in assisting the homeless in the Lucan area and its environs. She also helps out with two soup runs per week in the City Centre. This small organisation, based in Arthur Griffith Park, also helps out the people currently accommodated in Finnstown House Hotel and Leixlip House Hotel. A look at their Facebook page demonstrates the range of services they provide including food distribution, clothing, mattresses and they also source items for those being rehoused

Nagarhope was set up by Lucan man Doc Clandillon in 2005 and has carried out substantial projects since then and in particular since the earthquake in 2015 .The main aim since the inception of Nagerhope was to construct and operate a childrens home in Nagarkot, The overall mission has evolved as the organisation has grown over the years and the focus now is on providing education for children in deprived communities in Nepal. This is delivered through Nagarhope Basic School and through education and health support programmes in other schools and in the community.
They also continue to have great support from the Lucan Community
Lucan 23rd Scouts

Lucan is blessed with a number of Scout Troops and Lucan Lions Club has been in a position to assist them in various ways over the years. This year we are able to assist Lucan 23rd Scouts which are based on Chapel Hill. They are fundraising for a new roof and an upgrade for their Den. The Group has over 100 members and caters for groups aged 6-22 across Beavers, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers.
Womens Collective Ireland – Lucan

Womens Collective Lucan are members of Womens Collective Ireland. WCI collaborate with local regional and national organisations to ensure that they are representing our local community by raising issues and concerns brought to them through evaluations and assessments.
The overall mission of WCI is to support grassroots women through collective and practical actions to achieve their full human rights and true equality. WCI Lucan work directly with women on the ground from marginalised groups to build womens confidence and self esteem through feminist community education.
Ukraine Families -Lucan

Since the outbreak of the war in Ukraine , Lucan Lions Club has had a close association, including through the local Community Garda Paul and Bernie, with Ukraine families accommodated in the area.

The Club raised funding through Luke the Lion in SuperValu Lucan to distribute help and assistance at Christmas, We remain committed to assisting these families and are delighted to help them out again at our annual awards night

Barretstown offers free, specially designed camps and programmes for children and their families living with a serious illness – supported behind the scenes by 24 hour on site medical and nursing care.
All of the children and families come to Barretstown free of charge. Everything, including accommodation, food and medical assistance are provided at no cost to the family.
Barretstown is recognised as a centre of excellence in childhood cancer care and other serious illnesses. Children are referred to Barretstown based on their medical needs.
Since it first opened in 1994, Barretstown has brought the magic of Barretstown to over 85,000 campers.
Divine Mercy Food Bank – Balgaddy

Again , this is a sign of the times we live in where our next recipient is the Food Bank which is based in Balgaddy in Lucan South. This well established Food Bank distributes food to the less well off in that Community. It was started by a local priest who observed some children going to school hungry. Food is distributed every Monday morning and is donated by parishioners. Lucan Lions Club is a regular contributer to the Food Bank particularly at Christmas through our Annual food appeal
Lauras Legacy

This is a fundraiser set up by the Ferris family in Lucan.
This family have been long time members of Lucan Special Olympics club, Paul is an athlete and his mum Dorothy is the current Chairperson.
Dorothy Ferris’s daughter Laura passed away in March this year after a battle with cancer.
In her honour, Laura’s husband Luke, his brothers and Laura’s sister Leonie will go to Nairobi, Kenya next year to build a baby home & school as a lasting legacy to Laura.
Leonie previously worked with the charity Kidogo (a charity set up by an NI lady) and the buildings will be run by this charity.
This is a new fundraising campaign to remember Laura and Lucan Lions Club is delighted to make a contribution to this fundraiser
Finding Charlies Voice

A Lucan Mother Evelyn Byrne who was inspired by her own son’s Charlies diagnosis with verbal dyspraxia is helping to spread awareness for the condition and supports families of children that have been diagnosed with the condition. She does this through her organisation ‘Finding Charlie’s Voice’.
Verbal dyspraxia is a relatively rare life-long neurological speech disorder in which children have difficulty in making and co-ordinating the precise movements needed to produce clear speech with their mouths.
The Lucan based charity makes communication boards for children with speech difficulties and their use helps the wider school community become more inclusive. The group created these boards that allow children who have difficulty communicating verbally to express themselves in a variety of settings.
The communication boards, which rely primarily on symbols and images, have proliferated across the country. This is done on a non-for-profit basis in the hope that children like Charlie can enjoy school and other settings to the same extent as their peers
Lucan Special Olympics Club

This well established Group , now operating for 20 years was founded by a dedicated group of local Special Olympics Volunteers in the afternmath of the Special Olympics Worlds Games which took place in Ireland in 2003. It is the only Club of its nature in the area and aligns with the ethos of the international Special Olympics organisation. It specifically caters for people with learning difficulties. The Club has a fantastic and successful record of achievement in Irish Special Olympics folklore and the main sports are basketball, bocce, floorball and they also have a Junior Club.
There is a long standing strong partnership between Lucan Lions Club and Lucan Special Olympics Club
Lucan Lions Club President’s Awards 2023
Bernadette Fagan– In recognition of her outstanding contribution in helping the homeless in Lucan and the wider environs

Laura Butler–In recognition of her outstanding role as a liaison organiser in the charitable partnership between Lucan Lions Club and SuperValu Lucan

Lucan Special Olympics–To commemorate the 20th Anniversary of Special Olympics in Lucan beginning with Lucan as a Host Town in 2003 World Games and in recognition of the close ongoing partnership between Lucan Special Olympics Club and Lucan Lions Club.

District Governor-In grateful appreciation to the District Governor for his attendance and participation at the Lucan Lions Club Awards Night on 11 May 2023.

Lucan Lions Club membership at present is around 16 people, who give willingly of their time and talents to help others.
However, it is not all work as we also enjoy the social side of Lionism, both at local and District level.

We meet on the second Tuesday of the month at 8pm at Lucan Spa Hotel.