International Peace Poster Contest
For over three decades, Lions clubs around the globe have been sponsoring a very special art contest in schools and youth groups. Creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity.
Peace Without Limits – 2024-25 Theme
The Prizes – Sponsored By Lucan Lions Club
1st Prize €400 Gift Voucher
2nd Prize €100 Gift Voucher
3rd Prize €50 Gift Voucher
The 2024-2025 Contest
Students ages 11, 12 or 13 as of November 15th 2024 are eligible to participate in the International Peace Poster Contest which is been rolled our through schools in the locality.
For peace to be anything more than a possibility, we need to make it a priority. This year, we’re asking our young students to create a poster that speaks to our world’s infinite potential for kindness once we commit to pursuing the idea of peace without limits.
Entry Deadline
All entries must be with Lucan Lions Club on or before Friday October 18th 2024 with entries displayed in Lucan Library until The Winner is chosen on Tuesday November 12th. The winning entry will then be forwarded to Lions District Governor for entry to the National Competition to compete with other entries from all over the island of Ireland, the winner of which will represent Ireland Internationally.
The Winning Peace Poster
The winning poster will advance through the district, multiple district and international levels of competition with one international grand prize winner and 23 merit award winners will be selected. The grand prize includes a cash award of $5,000 (or euro equivalent) and will be recognized at a special Lions International awards ceremony. The 23 merit award winners will each receive a certificate and a cash award of $500 (or euro equivalent).